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Take a moment, let the dust clear
Sing a song like your momma's there, picking you up
Even though you're hurtin'
Not every mountain is your burden
Not every climb has a fall at the end
And all my trails brought me here
I'm coming up from the ashes
I'm stronger than before
I'm coming up from the ashes
I rise, I rise
I'm coming up from the ashes
All my parts realign
When you, breathe in that life
Oh I'm coming up, yeah child
I've been breathing in fresh air
I've been seeing the sun coming in through my... eyes
Like I was blind before
I've been picking up my feet
I've been walking in destiny, whoa
I was face down in uncertainty
I'm coming up from the ashes
I'm stronger than before
I'm coming up from the ashes
I rise, I rise
I'm coming up from the ashes
All my parts realign
When you, breathe in life
I'm coming up, I'm coming
I'm coming up, I'm coming get ready, get ready
Yeah ashes
Oh I'm stronger than before
I'm coming up from the ashes
Oh I rise, oh I rise
I'm coming up from the ashes
And all my parts realign
When you breathe in life
I'm coming up, hey
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