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- 100%
tempo - Re♭
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Meet me in the secret place
The place where only we can go
Meet with your jealous heart
I am yours yours alone
Meet me with the honest light
The truth that gives me room to breathe
I'll come and meet you like I am your bride
It's the one place I can just be me
Jesus I've come to be with you
Jesus I come to be with you
Jesus I've come to meet with you
Jesus I
I've come to meet you in the secret place
The place where only lovers go
Come and meet you with a tender heart
I'm vulnerable and you should know
Come and meet me in the honest light
The truth that gives us room to breathe
I'll come and meet you like I am your prize
It's the one place I can just be me
Jesus I love to be with you
(I'm at home when I'm alone with you)
Jesus I've come to be with you
(I'm at home when I'm alone with you)
I'll keep my heart with diligence
I'll pray with vigilance behind it all through it all I love
Jesus I've come to be with you
Jesus I come to be with you
Jesus I've come to meet with you
Jesus I
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