Goodbye Accords
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I never thought I
Would muster the courage to leave here
I broke free of what kept me trapped here
And I don’t think I’m coming back here
So goodbye, farewell
I don’t need you now
I don’t need you now
[Verse 1]
These decaying walls were all that kept me sane
I entrusted everything I had and all my pain
In this Sheetrock jail, this self made prison
I’ve survived fine but I’m not living
This cautionary coffin, that I’m not dying off in
I’m breaking out to face my enemies
This time I’ll stop them
Almost forget them hiding in the dark
But they remember me and have my name upon their scars
Me and my past must rift apart
But I’ll always keep this on my arm
Goodbye to my new home
I miss you dearly even though
You might have stolen my whole life
But I don’t think that I’d be alone
I get this feeling that
I’m not the first and not the last
To find solace in this empty room
Broken but always true
[Verse 2]
How cliche for me to carve my name
Into the insides of this old rotten place
I’ll go away until another day
I hate that I can miss a room this way
It’s sad to say
Me and my past must rift apart
But I’ll always keep this on my arm
Goodbye to my new home
I miss you dearly even though
You might have stolen my whole life
But I don’t think that I’d be alone
I get this feeling that
I’m not the first and not the last
To find solace in this empty room
Broken but always true
Finally leave this shallow lens to
Just move on and make amends
With my past self, my naive goals
Take my wishes to the end
Goodbye to my new home
I miss you dearly even though
You might have stolen my whole life
But I don’t think that I’d be alone
I get this feeling that
I’m not the first and not the last
To find solace in this empty room
Broken but always true
Me and my past must rift apart
But I’ll always keep this on my arm
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Foire aux questions
- Connaissez-vous les accords joués par Jhariah dans Goodbye ?
- Quel tempo devez-vous pratiquer dans Goodbye de Jhariah ?
- Quels accords font partie de la tonalité jouée par Jhariah dans Goodbye ?
- Quand la chanson Goodbye est-elle sortie ?