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- 100%
tempo - Fa
transposer - La simplification remplace les accords compliqués par des accords majeurs et mineurs simples.
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I don't know where I went
My brain is up for rent
I feel like my whole life is spent
I don't know where I went
What do you do when its already everywhere?
What do you do when nobody really cares?
What do you do while its cool to fuck with you?
What do you do?
When you believe what they say about you
And even the things you know are not true
And you can't even ask yourself
I don't know where I'm at
I think I killed my cat
I get these paranoid attacks
I don't know where I'm at
What do you do when opinions are everywhere?
What do you do when its nothing you want to hear?
What do you do when you can't think of what to do?
What do you do?
When you believe what they say about you
And even the things you know are not true
And you can't even ask yourself
Gotta move on
What do you do when you don't know what to do? (gotta move on)
What do you do? (gotta move on)
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Foire aux questions
- Quels accords trouve-t-on dans Deep Cut ?
- Ce BPM est-il correct pour Deep Cut de Local H ?
- Quels accords font partie de la tonalité jouée par Local H dans Deep Cut ?
- Quand la chanson Deep Cut est-elle sortie ?
- Quel est le genre de la chanson Deep Cut ?