The Jar Accords
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- 100%
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You've waited your whole life
In a jar
Complacent, gazing up at the stars
You count and count until
There's nothing left
Cause if you land on one
The rest are dead
And all the ripples in the universe
Are the wrinkles forming on your skin
From throwing your tomorrows
To the wind
We can't pretend
It's alright, it's alright
Until our aspirations turn to dust
Dreams overhead
Out of time, can't decide on who to be
Cause one life's not enough
The spark fades, the spool unwinds
A truth as certain as the changing tides
Don't go wasting your youth
On a stifled plot
Just take hold of the fruit
Before branches rot away Eclipse your fate
We can't pretend
It's alright, it's alright
Until our aspirations turn to dust
Dreams overhead
Out of time, can't decide on who to be
Cause one life's not enough
Approaching the edge, you carry on
With your collection of regrets
Singing a swan song from
The comfort of your bed until
It dawns that there is nothing left ahead
Just the end
We can't pretend
It's alright, it's alright
Until our aspirations turn to dust
Dreams overhead
Out of time, can't decide
Cause one life's not enough
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Foire aux questions
- Pouvez-vous deviner qui joue sur The Jar ?
- Quels accords trouve-t-on dans la chanson The Jar ?
- Quel est le tempo de The Jar par Makari ?
- Dans quelle tonalité la chanson The Jar est-elle jouée par Makari ?
- En quelle année la chanson The Jar de Makari est-elle sortie ?