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- 100%
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There is gold in the temple
There's a fire that burns below
There are angels and devils
Hell and heaven live inside of us all
Can we carry the weight of our humanity
And find a remedy for our misguided misanthropy?
The color of chaos
The beauty in flames
Like a mosaic of judgement day
Of judgement day
There's a snake in the garden
There's a plague in the heart of man
Not a thing left to barter
Time slips through our hands
We return to the earth
Can we carry the weight of our humanity
And find a remedy for our misguided misanthropy?
The color of chaos
The beauty in flames
Like a mosaic of judgement day
Can we carry the weight of our humanity
And find a remedy for our misguided misanthropy?
The color of chaos
The beauty in flames
Like a mosaic of judgement day
Our shattered hearts
Like a mosaic
Of judgement day
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Foire aux questions
- Quels artistes ont participé à Mosaic (Becko remix) ?
- Quels accords trouve-t-on dans Mosaic (Becko remix) ?
- Ce BPM est-il correct pour Mosaic (Becko remix) de Of Mice & Men & Becko ?
- Dans quelle tonalité la chanson Mosaic (Becko remix) est-elle jouée par Of Mice & Men & Becko ?
- En quelle année est sortie la chanson Mosaic (Becko remix) ?