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- 100%
tempo - Sol
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We put on Ray Charles and broke up
You were packed and gone when I woke up
Ray just kept on singing, he had Georgia on his mind
You just keep on leaving, you keep leaving all the time
Wonder if the stars will die tonight
Yeah I wonder if the cats and dogs are gonna fight
There's no rest for the restless, so I doubt that you'll sleep well
I don't think that I will, my head's ringing like a bell
Love is blind and I don't blame her
'Cause lately I ain't been too much to see
I'd bring some girl home but then I'd have to pay her
Won't you come home with me Rosemary?
When I walked in the bar you tried to hide
But I took my old place right by your side
You looked like a raccoon with those circles round your eyes
If my offer is improper, please come home with me tonight
Well, I'll prick myself and see if blood comes out
I'll play until the whole damn tape runs out
I'll put on that Ray Charles record, if you'll make some drinks
Nothing is the matter, it don't matter what you think
Love is blind and I don't blame her
'Cause we all could use a little sympathy
I'd bring some girl home but then I'd have to pay her
Won't you come home with me Rosemary?
Love is blind and I don't blame her
'Cause lately I ain't been too much to see
I'd bring some girl home but then I'd have to pay her
Won't you come home with me Rosemary?
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Foire aux questions
- Pouvez-vous deviner qui joue sur Ray Charles ?
- Quels accords sont utilisés par Old 97’s dans Ray Charles ?
- Quel est le BPM de Ray Charles par Old 97’s ?
- Quelle est la tonalité utilisée par Old 97’s pour Ray Charles ?
- Quand la chanson Ray Charles est-elle sortie ?
- Quel serait le genre de Ray Charles ?