No Way Accords
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- 100%
tempo - Sol
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Here's a token of my openness
Of my need to not disappear
How I'm feeling so revealing to me
I found my mind too clear
I just need someone to be there for.. me
I just want someone to be there for.. me
All the static in my attic a
Shoots down my side nerve
To the ocean of my platitudes
Longitudes latitudes it's so absurd
I just need someone to be there for..
I just want someone to be there for..
Someone to be there for..
Cause I'll stop trying to make a difference
I'm not trying to make a difference
I'll stop trying to make a difference
No way
Ooh, let's call in an angel
Cause I'll stop trying to make a difference
I'm not trying to make a difference
I'll stop trying to make a difference
No way
Cause I'll stop trying to make a difference
I'm not trying to make a difference
I'm not trying to make a difference
No way
No way, no way
Let's call in an angel
Who's calling an angel?
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Foire aux questions
- Quels artistes ont participé à No Way ?
- Connaissez-vous les accords joués par Pearl Jam dans No Way ?
- Quel tempo devez-vous pratiquer dans No Way de Pearl Jam ?
- Quelle est la tonalité de No Way ?
- Quand est sortie la chanson No Way ?
- Quel est le genre de la chanson No Way ?