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Wolfman’s Brother Accords
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- 100%
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Well it was many years ago now
But I really can't be sure
That's when it all began then
I heard that knock upon my door
And the wolfman's brother
The wolfman's brother
Came down on me
The telephone was ringing
That's when I handed it to Liz
She said, "This isn't who it would be
If it wasn't who it is"
It's the wolfman's brother
The wolfman's brother
Came down on me
So I might be on a side street
Or a stairway to the stars
I hear the high pitched cavitation
Of propellers from afar
It's the wolfman's brother
Come down on me
So with meaningless excitement
And smooth atonal sound
It's like a cross between a hurricane
And a ship that's run aground
It's the wolfman's brother
Coming down on - coming down on me
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Foire aux questions
- À votre avis, qui joue sur Wolfman’s Brother ?
- Quels accords trouve-t-on dans la chanson Wolfman’s Brother ?
- Ce BPM est-il correct pour Wolfman’s Brother de Phish ?
- Dans quelle tonalité la chanson Wolfman’s Brother est-elle jouée par Phish ?
- Quand est sortie la chanson Wolfman’s Brother ?
- Quel est le genre de Wolfman’s Brother ?