Détails de la chanson
- Accords
- Clé
- Siₘ
- bpm
- 64
- Accordage
- 440 Hz
- Genre
- Classic rockPop
- Artiste
- bœufs
- 45
- Année de sortie
- 1974
- Dernière modification
- 5 avril 2023
The Great Valerio Accords
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- 100%
tempo - Siₘ
transposer - Cette chanson n'a pas encore de sections
- La simplification remplace les accords compliqués par des accords majeurs et mineurs simples.
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High up above the crowd
The great Valerio is walking
The rope seems hung from cloud to cloud
And time stands still while he is walking
His eye is steady on the target
His foot is sure upon the rope
Alone and peaceful as a mountain
And certain as the mountain slope
We falter at the sight
We stumble in the mire
Fools who think they see the light
Prepare to balance on the wire
But we learn to watch together,
And feed on what we see above
'Til our hearts turn like the seasons
And we are acrobats of love
How we wonder, how we wonder
Watching far below
We would all be that great hero
The great Valerio
Come all you upstart jugglers
Are you really ready yet?
Who will help the tightrope walker
When he tumbles to the net
So come with me to see Valerio
As he dances through the air
I'm your friend until you use me
And then be sure I won't be there
How we wonder, how we wonder
Watching far below
We would all be that great hero
The great Valerio
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Foire aux questions
- Pouvez-vous deviner qui joue sur The Great Valerio ?
- Quels accords sont utilisés par Richard & Linda Thompson dans The Great Valerio ?
- Ce BPM est-il correct pour The Great Valerio de Richard & Linda Thompson ?
- Quelle est la tonalité utilisée par Richard & Linda Thompson pour The Great Valerio ?
- En quelle année est sortie la chanson The Great Valerio ?
- Quel est le genre de la chanson The Great Valerio ?