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I've heard a whisper saying we're done
I wander in this mess alone
I'm craving more but it's all gone
A sneaky smoke under my door
I've seen the grown ups burn it all
We're breathe the ashes of our pride
I'm going home
I've been breaking hollow vows
Tell me, will it get me out ?
Don't you worry for now
I know how it feels to grow
This is how I quit the fight, by
leavin 'em inside
I've set fire to my mind
'cause I wanted to know
I've heard a whisper saying we're done
And now a thousand scream along
We dig for more but it's all gone
Our golden rules were made of lies
I've seen the grown ups steal the light
I walked on ashes and I saw
We've all been robbed
We've all been robbed
We've all been robbed
We've all been robbed
We've all been robbed
Your golden rules were made of lies
I've seen the grown ups steal the light
I walked on ashes and I saw
We've all been robbed
I've been breaking hollow vows
Tell me, will it get me out ?
Don't you worry for now
I know how it feels to grow
This is how I quit the fight, by
leavin 'em inside
I've set fire to my mind
'cause I wanted to know
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