Goodbye My Darling Accords
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- 100%
tempo - Sol
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For it’s goodbye my darling
It won’t be for long
Though it may be for years
Not forever
For it’s ongoing away love for several years
And I would think of my darling forever
For as I’m going away love
To see the old castle
With a drink in my hand
And a girl on my knee
And if I couldn’t maintain you for seven years more
Then I would think of my darling forever
Oh england oh england
I’ll not see you more
For I’m worn out with fever cast down to death’s door
And if ever I live to see seven years more
Then I would think of my darling forever
Now the warden’s they stand with their whips in their hands
Just to see us fall all convicts go
Ploughing the land
And you hard hearted judges how cruel you be
You have sent us away
To warden’s row warden’s row, warden’s row
For a lifetime to go
For a lifetime to go
For a lifetime to go
Just to see us fall all convicts go
Ploughing the land
And if ever I live to see seven years more
Then I would think of my darling forever
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Foire aux questions
- Quels accords sont utilisés par Sam Lee dans Goodbye My Darling ?
- Quel est le tempo de Goodbye My Darling par Sam Lee ?
- Savez-vous dans quelle tonalité est Goodbye My Darling de Sam Lee ?
- Quand la chanson Goodbye My Darling est-elle sortie ?