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- 100%
tempo - Do♯ₘ
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Inside her is the suburbs in the sodium lights and the streets
In the parked cars and the pretty parks and in every lonely disease
In the new loves under covers in the cold touch of the right
In the dead flowers and the silent hours
In the nightclubs and the fights
Cold cold as the night high as the trees slow as you like
Oh you know she's she's cold cold as the night
High as the trees slow as you like Sadie
Inside her is the suburbs, in the old front room in the rain
In all the bad days and the music that plays
In the bored kids and their games
In the new loves under covers, and all the young mums
And their worlds
Who are left at home when all the kids have grown watching
The pretty young girls
Cold, cold as the night, high as the trees, slow as you like
Oh you know she's cold, cold as the night
High as the trees, slow as you like Sadie
Oh and I've got to take it, and I've got to fake it
And I've got to use her, and I've got to choose her
And I've got to feel it, and I've got to steal it
And I've got to be Sadie
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Foire aux questions
- Quels artistes ont participé à Sadie ?
- Quels accords sont utilisés par Suede dans Sadie ?
- Ce BPM est-il correct pour Sadie de Suede ?
- Dans quelle tonalité la chanson Sadie est-elle jouée par Suede ?
- Quand la chanson Sadie est-elle sortie sur le marché ?
- Quel est le genre de Sadie ?