A Celebration Accords
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- 100%
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Shake! Shake!
Don't go
I believe in a celebration
I believe you set me free
I believe you can loose this chains
I believe you can dance with me
Dance with me
Shake! Shake!
Shake! Shake!
I believe in the third world war
I believe in the atomic bomb
I believe in the powers that be
But they won't overpower me
And, and you can go there too
And, and you can go go go go
Shake! Shake!
Shake! Shake!
And we dance out of time
And everything goes 'round and 'round
And we don't have the time
To watch the world go tumbling down
Go! Go!
I believe in the bells of Christchurch
Ringing for this land
I believe in the cells of Mount joy
There's an honest man
And, and you can go there too
And, and you can go go go go
I believe in the walls of Jericho
I believe they're coming down
I believe in this city's children
I believe the trumpet's sound
And you can go there too
And you can go go go go.
I believe in what I'm doing
What am I doing here.
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Foire aux questions
- Quels accords trouve-t-on dans A Celebration ?
- Ce BPM est-il correct pour A Celebration de U2 ?
- Quels accords font partie de la tonalité jouée par U2 dans A Celebration ?