Détails de la chanson
- Accords
- Clé
- La♭
- bpm
- 100
- Accordage
- 440 Hz
- Artiste
- bœufs
- 125
- Dernière modification
- 16 août 2023
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- 100%
tempo - La♭
transposer - Cette chanson n'a pas encore de sections
- La simplification remplace les accords compliqués par des accords majeurs et mineurs simples.
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They got overrated beer
They got taste and Newport cheer
Is a-ok
They will tie your words in knots
Spit them out like angry gods
Is a-ok
Show the children empty lots
They can dance a bunker waltz
Is a-ok
Take my hand don't leave me here
Can't you taste the painted air
Is a-ok
I, am on fire, hold my hand
Please don't leave me here my friend
Hear the choir
All those songs, I can't breathe here
But I guess we'll have to share
All the common air
I, am on fire, hold my hand
Please don't leave me here my friend
Hear the choir
All those songs, I can't breathe here
But I guess we'll have to share
All the common air
Guess we'll have to share
All the common air
I guess we have to share
All the common air
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