Torn in Two Accords
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Won't you twist my arm so seductively
And lead me to where we can breathe.
You can take it piece by piece til I'm open.
I can slide my shoes against the curb
Like I'm doing something neat in my head,
To let us in... But it's a secret.
I'm torn in two and three and four,
And if you want I'll count some more.
Five and six, pick up bricks
And step on over... Over my head.
You can take it piece by piece if you want,
People take what they want,
They take and take and give to take some more.
My arms seem so long, thank goodness for pockets.
Hide me so far down, til I'm not here.
I'm torn in two and three and four,
And if you want I'll count some more.
Five and six, pick up bricks
And step on over, over my head.
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Foire aux questions
- Quels accords sont utilisés par Wax dans Torn in Two ?
- Quel est le BPM de Torn in Two par Wax ?
- Savez-vous dans quelle tonalité est Torn in Two de Wax ?
- En quelle année la chanson Torn in Two de Wax est-elle sortie ?