I Am Hungry Accordi
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I am hungry how are you?
You say that every lie came true
I will hold you anyway
And you'll grow strong and leave one day
Is there any other way?
Look desire in it's face
Watch it eat and leave no trace
After you have disappeared
Who will know and who will hear?
Oh, it's such delicious fear
Brushes with a starving hand
Just the ache I understand
After you have swallowed me
Who do you think you will be?
You'll be you and I'll be me
And still I will lay my body down
And in your many voices drown
Oh we are a hidden pool
We are so long we are so cool
While underneath we're dark and cruel
And I am hungry how are you?
You say that every lie came true
I will hold you anyway
And you'll grow strong and leave one day
Is there any more to say?
But take the front door leave just one
And don't return there are no chances pending
If you want to live this way
Only those like you will play
And they never play to stay
And they never play to stay
And they never play to stay
They never play to stay
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- Quali accordi utilizza Ferron - I Am Hungry?
- Con quale tempo dovresti esercitarti a suonare I Am Hungry di Ferron?
- Quale tonalità ha Ferron - I Am Hungry?
- In quale anno è stata pubblicata per la prima volta I Am Hungry?