Downhill Accordi
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- 100%
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but that’s just something people say when they’re on their last leg and they need someone to say something to help them cope, or someone to say something hopeful. “i hope you’re ok,” but that just something people say, and if i meant every word that i ever said, you would probably question the life i have led. you’d probably think i’m a broken evil person and you would be right. because i went downhill at such steep incline that my rearview mirror showed me only the sky, and i laughed about it all night. and i said “hey man, isn’t it poetic that the sky is what we leave behind?” because i was born into the world on a silken cloud and i got bored of the world before i hit the ground, and you’re the one who taught me to be brave. i’ve never spent a moment loving anyone but you. and maybe that’s just something that people say, but i hope that you know it’s the truth. because you were the first one to show me the stars and they don’t mean much to me, but i still wonder where you are, and some nights i still try to find you and all your relative to constellations. your relatives are still on vacation, or so i heard from a friend. does it mean anything that you stayed in town? probably not.
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- Quali accordi utilizza Lincoln - Downhill?
- Quali sono i BPM di Lincoln - Downhill?
- Quali accordi fanno parte della tonalità in cui Lincoln suona Downhill?