Carmen Accordi
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Carmen tells me what she's done
Says she's having fun
Wants to be a mom
Copper hair and golden smile
Sparkles all the while
But life can be a trial
Carmen's in a world of pain
Don't cry now for yesterday
Babys' gone but she's okay
Carmen tells me where she's been
Nightmares that she's seen
Makes me want to scream
Hear the things that she's been through
Grey and black and blue
Life can be so cruel
Sit down here and take a drink
Tell me about everything
And he shrugs and then he winks again
Chocolate box and photograph
Life is hard and life is tough
Carmen smiles and then she laughs again
It's time we started heading home now
I've made mistakes along the way
It makes no sense but I'm okay now
Its happened again
I guess I'll live another day
Sit down here and take a drink
Tell me about everything
And he shrugs and then he winks again
Chocolate box and photograph
Life is hard and life is tough
Carmen smiles and then she laughs again
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Domande frequenti su questa registrazione
- Quali accordi suona Lush in Carmen?
- Con quale tempo dovresti esercitarti a suonare Carmen di Lush?
- Qual è la tonalità di Carmen?
- Quando è uscita sul mercato Carmen?