Dettagli del brano
Where’s My Everything? Accordi
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- 100%
tempo - Sol
trasponi - Questo brano non ha ancora sezioni
- Questo brano non ha accordi complessi da semplificare.
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Where is the beautiful family home
That I was promised on the news at ten
Like my personal place in the sun
It never happened along
And as for the greatest love of all
That's been sworn in a billion lines
And is mine by birthright
I'll bet I'll see none
Tell me, where, where
Where is my everything
Tell me where is my everything
Where are the children two point three
That were meant to be sent to me
The patter of whose tiny feet
Would make my life so sweet
They've been filed along with the pot of gold
That was meant to cement my nest
And help to keep out the cold
While keeping in the rest
Tell me, where, where
Where is my everything
Tell me where is my everything
Where is the monument I'll leave
To a grateful nation whose
Citizens will bend the knee
Each time my tale is told
Tell me where's my everything
They've been filed along with the pot of gold
That was meant to cement my nest
And help to keep out the cold
While keeping in the rest
Tell me, where, where
Where is my everything
Tell me where's my everything
Tell me, tell me where, where
Where is my everything
Tell me where's my everything
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- Conosci l'artista che suona Where’s My Everything??
- Conosci gli accordi che Nick Lowe suona in Where’s My Everything??
- Con quale tempo dovresti esercitarti a suonare Where’s My Everything? di Nick Lowe?
- Quale tonalità ha Nick Lowe - Where’s My Everything??
- Quando è uscita Where’s My Everything??
- Qual è il genere di Where’s My Everything??