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Caricamento degli accordi per 'Born on the Fourth of July - John Williams'.

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Domande frequenti su questa registrazione

  • Conosci l'artista che suona Suite from Born on the Fourth of July: I. Theme from "Born on the Fourth of July"?

  • Quali accordi ci sono nel brano Suite from Born on the Fourth of July: I. Theme from "Born on the Fourth of July"?

  • Che tempo ha Tim Morrison, Boston Pops Orchestra, John Williams - Suite from Born on the Fourth of July: I. Theme from "Born on the Fourth of July"?

  • In quale tonalità Tim Morrison, Boston Pops Orchestra, John Williams suona Suite from Born on the Fourth of July: I. Theme from "Born on the Fourth of July"?

  • In quale anno Tim Morrison, Boston Pops Orchestra, John Williams ha lanciato Suite from Born on the Fourth of July: I. Theme from "Born on the Fourth of July"?