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Do You Right Acordes
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andamento - Re♭
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Passin' the kind bud. Kickin' back in the sand in the sun.
To be alive is lovin, where the shore meets the sea man
I'm hummin! I'm hummin!
I'm free as I stare at the sea and I'm not coming down.
The world is yours once you have found the good is to share which is elsewhere.
The beauty of green is where light is now broken by what it touches
Remembering what you once have told me hit home and hasn't it always been so?
I'm free as I stare at the sea and I'm not coming down.
The world is yours once you have found the good is to share which is elsewhere.
Like I said it before, I'll say it once more,
Knew you would make me feel so good, want to do you right. Can't get enough,
This is the stuff life's about and it trips me out, want to do you right.
I want to do you right.
Bright mornings, days when I want so much, I want nothing.
Just this life and no more.
All come within this world there's only one for me.
She's waiting. I'll soon come
I'm free as I stare at the sea and I'm not coming down.
The world is yours once you have found the good is to share which is elsewhere.
Free from the burn, the burnin' of spite and free from the burn,
The burnin' of surprise, no buzz hack, no buzz hack, no buzz hack, no buzz hack.
Swing the thing you bring and check it out.
How could you be so good to me? How could you be so good to me?
I want to free, want to be free. Buzz, hack, hack, hack, buzz,
Yes swing to the thing you bring and check it out.
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Perguntas frequentes sobre esta gravação
- Você conhece o artista que toca em Do You Right?
- Quais acordes estão na música Do You Right?
- Qual é o compasso de 311 - Do You Right?
- Você sabe em que tom está Do You Right de 311?
- Quando Do You Right chegou ao mercado?
- Qual seria o gênero de Do You Right?