Detalhes da música
- Acordes
- Escala
- Do♯ₘ
- bpm
- 130
- Afinação
- 440 Hz
- Artista
- jam sessions
- 6
- Ano de lançamento
- 2016
- Última modificação
- 5 de setembro de 2023
All or Nothing Acordes
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- 100%
andamento - Do♯ₘ
transpor - Esta música ainda não tem partes definidas
- Simplificar substitui acordes complicados por acordes maiores e menores simples.
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I know victory, I know tragedy
I know defeats a bitter pill to swallow
I know destiny, I know misery
I know the stink can make a man so hollow
I'm breaking the chain
It's all or nothing it's all or nothing
All I'm right here, right now
It's all or nothing
It's all or nothing
I know the hell I've seen
I know jealousy
I know what it means to beg and borrow
I don't give a damn
I know who I am
I know yesterday is not tomorrow
I'm breaking the chain
It's all or nothing
It's all or nothing
I'm right here, right now
It's the only way
It's all or nothing
It's all or nothing
I feel the seconds on the clock ticking down
I'm gonna lose my mind (solo)
It's all or nothing
It's all or nothing
Right here, right now
It's the only way
It's all or nothing
It's all or nothing
It's all or nothing
It's all or nothing
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Perguntas frequentes sobre esta gravação
- Que acordes Art of Dying - All or Nothing usa?
- Com que velocidade Art of Dying toca All or Nothing?
- Você sabe em que tom está All or Nothing de Art of Dying?
- Quando All or Nothing foi lançada?