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Shakin' It Acordes
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Don't be talkin' 'bout nobody else
You got enough trouble by yourself
Your heart's broken and so is mine
Ya better watch what you say next time
There's a Man who lives upstairs
He's the one who answers prayers
Let the holy rollin' dance begin
As the saints come marching in
Shakin', shakin' his Body, shakin'
Shakin' his Body, shakin'
Shakin' his Body, Shakin'It!
He's a sinner though he'd never be found
He got caught with his own pants down
Can't imagine how he must've felt
He should've tightened-up his Bible belt
Shakin'... shakin' his Body
Shakin'... oooh, yah
Who will stand and who will fall
Who will be there after all
Shakin'... shakin' his Body
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Perguntas frequentes sobre esta gravação
- Quais são os acordes em Shakin' It?
- Com que velocidade Bloodgood toca Shakin' It?
- Quais acordes fazem parte do tom em que Bloodgood toca Shakin' It?