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Hate Acordes
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- 100%
andamento - Laₘ
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Anyone can tell you there's no more road to ride
Everyone will tell you there's no place to hide
There's no laws or rules to unchain your life
But the ones who didn't make it
The ones who couldn't take it
So glad they have made it out alive
Everyone loves the fun everyone comes by
In the wind I crunch I want to die
They can give me pills
Or let me drink my fill
The heart wants to explode far away
Where nobody knows
Do you believe she said that
Do you believe she said that
I said I hate myself and I want to die
Half of it is innocent
The other half is wise
The whole damn thing makes no sense
I wish I could tell you a lie
Hey come here
Let me whisper in your ear
I hate myself and I want to die
Do you believe she said that
Can you believe she repeated that
I said I hate me myself and I
I said I hate myself and I want to die
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Perguntas frequentes sobre esta gravação
- Você conhece o artista que toca em Hate?
- Que acordes Cat Power - Hate usa?
- Qual é a BPM de Cat Power - Hate?
- Em que tom Cat Power toca Hate?
- Quando Hate foi lançada?
- Qual seria o gênero de Hate?