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Chance Peña - Bad Days (lyrics) Acordes
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- 100%
andamento - Mi♭
transpor - Esta música ainda não tem partes definidas
- Essa música não tem acordes complexos para simplificar.
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All I know is the weight on my shoulders
Won’t hold me down, down
I just hope when I’m wiser and older
That you’re still around, around
Always over thinking that’s my wave
If you don’t wanna listen that’s okay
I’m okay gonna get up out of here someday
Maybe wind up somewhere near LA
But that’s cliché
Well, I get stuck in my head
Where have I been
People tell me let it out but
I can’t just let them in to my mind oh my
Too many thoughts at a time
Always running round in circles
Never staying in line
They’re always kind saying "you’re alright"
Well I don’t think I am "nah you’ll be fine"
Guess I’ll be fine maybe I’ll be fine
All I know is the weight on my shoulders
Won’t hold me down, down
I just hope when I’m wiser and older
That you’re still around, around
All I know is the weight on my shoulders
Won’t hold me down, down
I just hope when I’m wiser and older
That you’re still around, around
If you’re feeling down these days
Confide in someone, somewhere, someplace
If you’re feeling lonely
You’re not alone see
You know everyone’s had their
Share of bad days
If you’re feeling down these days
Confide in someone, somewhere, someplace
If you’re feeling lonely
You’re not alone see
You know everyone’s had their
Share of bad days
If you’re feeling down these days
Confide in someone, somewhere, someplace
If you’re feeling lonely
You’re not alone see
You know everyone’s had their
Share of bad days
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