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Blow Acordes
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- 100%
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You are sent to take
Every time I fall
Every piece of me
You are my faith
You are my faith
Every sign you've made
To tell me who I am
Sometimes you're the crowd
screaming too loud
telling me what I'm not
When tugging me all the time
I know you're out there
Every sun that breaks
Is a ticket to the show
Did you ever know
There's a light inside your bones
The hope that you can't hide
and it teases you every night
And you don't understand
glaring at the light
Sitting like a dog
In your ordinary life
Why you're so paralyzed
Why don't you spit it out
Coming on your face
Oh yeah
Feel you
Feel me
One life
One shot
One love
Now you're a mannequin
Cane gun
Brain waves
controlled white man
High speed
Gang bang
Black out
You're not dragster man
Would you tell me who you are right now
Don't tell me you don't know
'cause I know
Every piece of you that breaks
Every time you lie
Every time you say you're fine
I guess
It's time for you to get use to you
Don't tell me you don't know
'cause I know
'cause I know
Please take me somewhere we can hide
Somewhere we can dance the boogie
Please bring me something
Please give me something
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Perguntas frequentes sobre esta gravação
- Quais acordes estão na música Blow?
- Qual é o compasso de Ghinzu - Blow?
- Você sabe em que tom está Blow de Ghinzu?
- Em que ano Blow foi lançada pela primeira vez?
- Qual é o gênero de Blow?