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PSI Power Acordes
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Experimente nosso instrutor de acordes interativo para praticar acordes no seu violão.
When I was a kid in school
They showed me symbols on a card
Then they sent them from a locked and bolted room
I had to fake that it was hard
Circle, square, triangle, waves
I got them crystal clear by the hour
And all I said was "may I please take a rest?"
I didn't want them to know I was possessed
With Psi Power
Psi Power
Psi Power
I can read your mind like a magazine
I see where you're at
I know what you mean
I get all the secrets that you'd rather keep
When I was a teenage kid
And I hung around the streets
I could see inside the mind
Of any girl that I wanted to meet
Wave, triangle, circle, square
They opened to me like a flower
How would you like to have your mind caressed?
Can't you feel that I'm possessed
With Psi Power
Psi Power
Psi Power
I can read your mind like a magazine
I see where you're at
I know what you mean
I get all the secrets that you'd rather keep
Psi Power
Psi Power
Psi Power
I can read your mind like a magazine
I see where you're at I know what you mean
I get all the secrets that you'd rather keep
It's like a radio you can't switch off
There's no way to get peace of mind
I'd like to live inside a lead-lined room
And leave all this Psi Power behind
Circle, square, triangle, waves
It's a gift that soon turns sour
Why don't they let me get some rest?
It's too much to understand and to digest
Psi Power
Psi Power
Psi Power
I can read your mind like a magazine
I see where you're at
I know what you mean
I get all the secrets that you'd rather keep
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Perguntas frequentes sobre esta gravação
- Você sabe os acordes que Hawkwind toca em PSI Power?
- Com que velocidade Hawkwind toca PSI Power?
- Em que tom Hawkwind toca PSI Power?
- Em que ano PSI Power foi lançada pela primeira vez?
- Qual é o gênero de PSI Power?