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Jack Kane - Gold Acordes
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- Comece a música tranquilamente: use uma contagem regressiva para se preparar e toque no tempo certo.
- Ajuste o volume da música, dos acordes ou do metrônomo. Crie sua mixagem perfeita.
- Domine as partes difíceis: repita qualquer seção e pratique.
- Toque músicas mais devagar ou mais rápido: perfeito para praticar partes difíceis ou acelerar as mais fáceis.100%
andamento - O áudio da música e os ajustes de transposição têm tons diferentes.La
transpor - Esta música ainda não tem partes definidas
- Simplificar substitui acordes complicados por acordes maiores e menores simples.
- Sua guitarra está afinada? Verifique com o nosso afinador avançado para afinações padrão e alternativas.
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Esses acordes são demasiado difíceis para você tocar?
Experimente nosso instrutor de acordes interativo para praticar acordes no seu violão.
Sunlight on my bed sheets
If only you were here next to me
Head over heart can you intervene
Feelings are getting the best of me
Wasted all the money I made this week on you
On you
Dip me in gold and take me to heaven
I've found the little piece of myself I was missing
I've tried my very best not too sound too desperate
But I'm pretty sure I'm falling for you
Burning up in your living room
Carried away by the thought of you
Way too keen isn't very cool
So I'll play hard to get for a minute or two
Wasted all the time that I had this week on you
On you
Dip me in gold and take me to heaven
I've found the little piece of myself I was missing
I've tried my very best not too sound too desperate
But I'm pretty sure I'm falling for you
Dip me in gold and take me to heaven
I've found the little piece of myself I was missing
I've tried my very best just too sound indifferent
But I'm pretty sure I'm falling for you
Dip me in gold and take me to heaven
I've found the little piece of myself I was missing
I've tried my very best just too sound indifferent
But I'm pretty sure I'm falling for you
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