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Carregando os acordes de 'James Kelly, Paddy O'Brien & Daithi Sproule - Bracken's / Mrs. Cooty's (The Horse That Made A Haymes Of His Winders) / The Kinnegad Slashers'.

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Perguntas frequentes sobre esta gravação

  • Que acordes James Kelly, Paddy O’Brien & Daithi Sproule toca em Bracken's / Mrs. Cooty's (The Horse That Made a Haymes of His Winders) / The Kinnegad Sister's?

  • Que compasso você deve praticar Bracken's / Mrs. Cooty's (The Horse That Made a Haymes of His Winders) / The Kinnegad Sister's de James Kelly, Paddy O’Brien & Daithi Sproule?

  • Em que tom James Kelly, Paddy O’Brien & Daithi Sproule toca Bracken's / Mrs. Cooty's (The Horse That Made a Haymes of His Winders) / The Kinnegad Sister's?

  • Quando Bracken's / Mrs. Cooty's (The Horse That Made a Haymes of His Winders) / The Kinnegad Sister's foi lançada?