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K.T. Oslin - I'll Always Come Back Acordes
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Well, there's a nursery rhyme,
It's a favorite of mine.
About a little girl and some sheep
That she could not find.
They told her not to worry,
They'd come back.
Darlin, you're my shepard,
I'm your little lamb.
But you ain't always gonna know where I am,
But don't you worry, I'll come back.
I'll always come back, come back baby, to you.
I'll always run back, straight to you.
I'll never get too far away from you.
I'll never get too lost that I can't be found.
And I'm never gonna swim too far out, I might drown.
And I'll always come back, come back baby, to you.
Well there's a wooden wonder from way down under,
They call a boomerang.
If you handle it right, it'll come back.
But, you must have had one when you were a boy.
'Cause you've got the touch that turns me into a toy.
And like a boomerang, I'll come back.
Keep your eyes on the horizon.
When you start to missing me,
Just look out your window and there I'll be.
'Cause I'll always come back, come back baby, to you.
I'll always run back, straight to you.
I'll never get too far away from you.
I'll never get too lost that I can't be found.
And I'm never gonna swim too far out, I might drown.
And I'll always come back, come back baby, to you.
I'll always come back, come back baby, to you.
K.t Oslin - I'll Always Come Back Song Lyrics from "Other Songs".
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