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LUCA WILDING - Book of Fate Acordes
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When I was a kid
A young boy
I was quiet
Caught a lick of love
From a tall man
Made of Iron
Well Jesus walked in solitude
A man-myth talking in an empty room
And crying like a child in the sun
For he alone could understand
The book of Fate
The severed hands
And all the little things you will become.
But nothing I guess will take your place
In the dusk when the streetlights hum
Long was the night and you never looked back
I fell for you once
And your eyes they were rivers of black,
Your hair was like rain
In the heart of a deafening silence
That clung to your throat
Like the voice of a terrible tyrant
Who looked like this
When I am alone
I hear heavenly sounds
Of lightening
So would you tell it to me slow,
Until the rivers fill the seas
And all the mountains come cover my body
There is a tree in paradise
The Children called the tree of life
Their voices echo on the burning street
I still recall the broken night
We watched you weeping on the lonely height:
You lay down like an insect in the heat
I'll never forget, your skin was wet
And you said it was hard to speak
Long was the night and you never looked back
I fell for you once
And your eyes they were rivers of black
Your hair was like rain
In the heart of a deafening silence
That clung to your wrist
Like the mark of a terrible tyrant
My eyes are like his
The Man that I love
Was close enough to touch
They're gonna play the dead march,
And it wouldn't mean that much
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