Detalhes da música
- Acordes
- Escala
- La
- bpm
- 77
- Afinação
- 440 Hz
- Artista
- jam sessions
- 15
- Ano de lançamento
- 2005
- Última modificação
- 24 de abril de 2024
Xanax Acordes
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- 100%
andamento - La
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Afraid of an airplane
Of a car swerving in the lane
Of a dark cloud too low
Of being swept away by the undertow
Of a building tumbling down
Of the train when it's underground
Of the icy mountain roads
We have to take to get to the show
There's just a time when we must all let go of that that we hold
There's just a time when we must all let go of that that we hold
With not being known, we'll have to go
Afraid when the phone rings
Another breath of life has ceased
It seems it's just lost so easily
Afraid of my heart that beats too slow
Or that I died and just didn't know
Or of a fate I will have to choose
And I'm afraid of how much I love you
There's just a time when we must all let go of that that we hold
There's just a time when we must all let go of that that we hold
With not being known, we'll have to go
It's just now that I've found a place where I can breathe
It's just now that I've found a place where I can sleep
It's just now that I've found a place where I can breathe
It's just now that I've found a place where I can sleep
It's just now that I've found a place where I can breathe
It's just now that I've found a place where I can sleep
It's just now that I've found a place where I can breathe
It's just now that I've found a place where I can sleep
Todas as suas músicas favoritas em um só lugar
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Perguntas frequentes sobre esta gravação
- Que acordes Maria Taylor - Xanax usa?
- Qual é o BPM certo para Xanax de Maria Taylor?
- Em que tom Maria Taylor toca Xanax?
- Quando Xanax foi lançada?