Detalhes da música
- Acordes
- Escala
- La♭
- bpm
- 88
- Afinação
- 440 Hz
- Artista
- jam sessions
- 18
- Ano de lançamento
- 2010
- Última modificação
- 27 de abril de 2021
Remains Acordes
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- 100%
andamento - La♭
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I can't remember which movie taught me purpose
I can't remember which movie taught me pain
I would've been the one baptized in all your water
I would've been the one submerged under your reign
This is not how I want to be forgotten
This is not how I want to leave remains
I'll give you everything that you need
And if you want my blood, let me bleed
If you want a ghost then that's what I'll be
Was it on Huron when the wind first changed direction?
Was it on Franklin when I lost you on the street?
All I remember was gray between the cables
The muted pavement could not give me two feet
I'll give you everything that you need
And if you want my blood, let me bleed
And if you want a ghost then that's what I'll be
You already know what you don't even know
Read the cover, the flap, you just put it back
That's the price we pay for going in all the way
That's the price we pay for going in all the way
If you remain in me, I will remain in you
And if you stay with me, I will stay with you
If you remain in me, I will remain in you
And if you stay with me, I will stay with you
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Perguntas frequentes sobre esta gravação
- Quais são os acordes em Remains?
- Que compasso você deve praticar Remains de matt pond PA?
- Em que tom matt pond PA toca Remains?
- Em que ano Remains foi lançada pela primeira vez?