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Perguntas frequentes sobre esta gravação

  • Que acordes Matthew Grosfeld, Aradia Ensemble, Kevin Mallon toca em Polly: Act II: Air 7: The Boatman: ‘Tho’ different passions rage by turns’ (Morano)?

  • Qual é o compasso de Matthew Grosfeld, Aradia Ensemble, Kevin Mallon - Polly: Act II: Air 7: The Boatman: ‘Tho’ different passions rage by turns’ (Morano)?

  • Quais acordes fazem parte do tom em que Matthew Grosfeld, Aradia Ensemble, Kevin Mallon toca Polly: Act II: Air 7: The Boatman: ‘Tho’ different passions rage by turns’ (Morano)?