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Mike Love - Leaders Pt. 3 (Official Audio) Acordes
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- 100%
andamento - Si♭
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Where's all the leaders?
Come out of hiding
Where's all the teachers?
We need you now
To all the healers
This is a calling
This world is slipping into darkness
Where's all the lovers?
Come out and dance now
Too many haters running amok
There's children starving
People are thirsty
The politicians just don't give a fuck
Where's all the forests?
They're disappearing
They're making way for factory farms
cnd this wrong direction
So crystal clear but
They just refuse to heed the alarms
But Mama's angry
Don't mess with Mama
There's only so much that she can take
But like a spoiled child
We keep on pushing
Pushing but how long before she breaks?
cnd all these fast cars, smart phones and fast food
cre pushing us faster, unto the end
cnd would we trade them
Just for a moment
c brighter future for our children
Where's all the leaders?
Come out of hiding
Where's all the teachers?
We need you now
To all the healers
This is a calling
This world is slipping into darkness
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