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- 100%
andamento - Re♭
transpor - Simplificar substitui acordes complicados por acordes maiores e menores simples.
Escolha seu instrumento
Esses acordes são demasiado difíceis para você tocar?
Experimente nosso instrutor de acordes interativo para praticar acordes no seu violão.
Even if that feeling
Is typical of dreaming
I only hope that believing
Will take me there, not deceive me
I can't stand and make a wish
For something like this, like this, like this oooh
How could anyone predict
That something like this exists, like this oooh
Even if it's nearing
I can't forget what I'm feeling
I can't stand and make a wish
For something like this, like this, like this oooh
Will I ever get a glimpse
Of something like this, like this, like this oooh
I can't stand and make a wish
For something like this, like this, like this oooh
How could anyone predict
That something like this exists, like this oooh
Will I ever catch a glimpse
Of something like this, like this, like this oooh
How could anyone predict
That something like this exists, pure bliss oooh
Todas as suas músicas favoritas em um só lugar
Crie setlists para tocar em seus shows ou para simplesmente praticar suas músicas favoritas.