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Racquet Club - Caldwell Park Acordes
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They circled back to track us down
We're not sure who we're supposed to be
As they surround the parking lot I found
The kid with the pharmacy
They closed the Casbah shut it down
So we're night vision in the dark
What goes around it comes around
With my friends down at Caldwell Park
And in the morning light
We point our chests to the sun
We didn't start this fight
Don't you remember when we were young
We were punks and skins and metal heads
And there are things that we would learn
And they pushed us to the rivers edge
We awaited their return
Walk with me cross diestelhorst
Walk with me through a dream
And suddenly they changed their course
It was the summer I turned fifteen
We were punks and skins and metal heads
And there are things that we would learn
And they pushed us to the rivers edge
We awaited their return
We were all brand new
It was a moment of significance
As they drove right through into the night
We were scratched and bruised
We had hoped for some indifference
We always knew we'd be alright
And in the morning light
We point our chests to the sun
We didn't start this fight
Don't you remember when we were young
We were punks and skins and metal heads
And there are things that we would learn
They pushed us to the rivers edge
We awaited their return
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