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- 100%
andamento - Mi
transpor - Simplificar substitui acordes complicados por acordes maiores e menores simples.
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My my,
My americana
Ain’t no use
In living for tomorrow
Without a doubt
We’re all missing out
It’s all
In my Americana, oh
I’ve got my 99 cents
I sold my blood for rent
He said, she said that
The whole world’s gone to shit
Don’t try and salvage it
Don’t try and turn it around
Let’s take some pics instead
Only show the teeth we have left
Or we can just lay in bed
“You don’t look good that way”
Fronting just enough to be somebody
What if it’s not enough to be somebody
Man, i’m just trying to be somebody
My my,
My americana
Ain’t no use
In living for tomorrow
Without a doubt
We’re all missing out
It’s all
In my Americana, oh
Got our filters on
With all our guts spilling out
Hey, put your best rags on
And spend a night on the town
“Please you don't understand,
I wanna have what they’ve got”
I filled my mouth with trash
We sure don’t have a whole lot.
Quiet the sound in my head
With a projection instead
Fronting just enough to be somebody
What if I’m not enough to be somebody
Man, i’m just trying to be somebody
Hey my my,
My americana
Ain’t no use
In living for tomorrow
Without a doubt
We’re all missing out
It’s all
In my Americana, oh
A different mask today
It should be okay
This fear of missing out
Has got us all spinning out all
Over the place
Just for a taste of
My my,
My americana
Ain’t no use
In living for tomorrow
Without a doubt
We’re all missing out
It’s all
In my Americana, oh
Todas as suas músicas favoritas em um só lugar
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