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They try to silence my voice, they try to hold me down
But I'm still screaming out, I'm still screaming out
You try to silence my voice, you try to hold me down
But I'm still screaming out, "You better pray"
They call me fanatic 'cause I can stand on my own
I speak revivalist
I got this fire shut up in my bones
They call me fanatic
And all the church doors, they stay closed because I testify
They preach sermons but they still don't know
The fanatical forerunner
I prepare the way
I speak a message of truth
Take heed, I mean what I say
You better pray
So hide yourself in the darkness
Keep your prayers to yourselves
because any fool can pray just to get recognized by someone else
The secret life of fanatics
They can stand on their own because they recognize the church doors stay closed
They call me fanatic 'cause I can stand on my own
I speak revivalist
I got this fire shut up on my bones
We pray with our eyes open to see the victims of injustice
I'm not just one man, all heaven stand with me
I've got a message for the world: It's not just us
You better pray
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Perguntas frequentes sobre esta gravação
- Que acordes Sleeping Giant - Eyes Wide Open usa?
- Qual é o BPM certo para Eyes Wide Open de Sleeping Giant?
- Em que tom Sleeping Giant toca Eyes Wide Open?
- Em que ano Eyes Wide Open foi lançada pela primeira vez?