Lucy's Shoe Acordes
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Lucy's lost her shoe and she don't know where she put it
But I hope she'll find it some day
Cause hands that do dishes may be kind to your face
But stains they'll never wash away
Day in and after, she'd wait up by her window
Wait for all the clouds to blow away
But she won't recall that cold night in November
When her daddy made her play
Oh Lucy, what went wrong?
You never had it bad
I'll think of you before too long
And I know you ain't coming back
(Oh, Lucy... Oh, Lucy... Oh, Lucy, come back)
Lucy's lost her shoe and she don't know where she put it
What a terrible shame
And if she only knew how to turn back round and get it
She wouldn't all the same
Sometimes sits and wonders, and sometimes she'll just sit
Or making sure that everyone's ok
She'll often think of life before November
When her daddy made her play
Oh Lucy, what went wrong?
You never had it bad
I'll think of you before too long
But I know you ain't coming back
Is that such a hard thing to do?
She's only got one shoe
Lucy, don't be a fool
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Perguntas frequentes sobre esta gravação
- Quais são os acordes em Lucy's Shoe?
- Qual é o BPM certo para Lucy's Shoe de Spacehog?
- Que tom Lucy's Shoe tem?
- Quando Lucy's Shoe foi lançada?
- Qual seria o gênero de Lucy's Shoe?