Hoover Dam Acordes
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Standing on the edge
Of the Hoover Dam
I'm on the center line
Right between two states of mind
And if the wind from the traffic
Should blow me away
From this altitude
It will come back to you
And do you know the time
All that's left of me is slight insanity
What's on the right I don't know
If the Mississippi should wash me away
Down to New Orleans
Maybe someday in my dreams
I'd wake feeling the sweat
From the gulf in my mouth
On a carousel I can never tell
My direction home
Spinning down a hole
I'm losing all control
I'm down to the center of the earth
Covered up with lava and I feel fine
It washes over me
Keeps me feeling warm at night
And if you've made a deal with
The guy with the horns and the cape
I'll see you later later
Standing on the edge
Of the Hoover Dam
Standing on the edge
Of the Hoover Dam I am
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Perguntas frequentes sobre esta gravação
- Quais artistas membros contribuíram para Hoover Dam?
- Quais acordes estão na música Hoover Dam?
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- Em que tom Sugar toca Hoover Dam?
- Em que ano Sugar lançou Hoover Dam?