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The Cribs - I'm A Realist Acordes
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I'm a realist
I'm a romantic
I'm an indecisive piece of shit
(I'm an indecisive)
I'm a realist
I'm a romantic
I am indecisive and that's about it
(I'm an indecisive)
And you dream that's the same thing
That's the same life you lead
I don't agree and so you drink, don't wanna think
That's 'cause your mind is already made up
I'm a realist
I'm a romantic
I'm an indecisive piece of shit
(I'm an indecisive)
I admit it, I'm up to my old tricks
Did you see her eyes
(Oh no, I tried)
She looked surprised
And you dream that's the same thing
That's the same life you lead
I don't agree and so you drink, don't wanna think
That's 'cause your mind is already made up
And you dream that's the same thing
That's the same life you lead
I don't agree and so you drink, don't wanna think
That's 'cause your mind is already made up, love
I know that it's only a matter of time
Before you know it, I'll be leaving town
See it in my eyes
That no one will do, no one will ever do
I know that it's only a matter of time
Before you know it, I'll be leaving town
Seen it in your eyes
And no one will ever do, no one will ever do for you
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