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Zach Williams - The Struggle (Official Lyric Video) Acordes
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Well he woke up this morning to
An angel in his bed
There was a devil in the bottle that
He was holding in his hand
With his head still full of whiskey and
His eyes now full of tears
He dusted off a Bible that
He hadn't read in years
And he said, "I am tired, I am torn
And I can't take it any more
You see this bottle has been my only friend
But here I am, my heart to You I give
Oh Father, can You take away these tears?"
She struggles with addiction
She struggles to fit in
She takеs too much medication to
Cover up her tеars
One pill to make her happy
Too many make her sad
And then she notices the Bible in
The hotel by her bed
And he said, "I am tired, I am torn
And I can't take it any more
You see this bottle has been my only friend
But here I am, my heart to You I give
Oh Father, can You take away these tears?"
She says, "I am weary, I am worn
And I can't take it any more
You see this bottle has been my only friend
But here I am, my heart to You I give
Oh Father, can You wash away these sins?"
But then the sun came out
And the skies turned blue
And the pain they knew was gone
And as the old life died
A new life it was born
Oh, was a life they never knew
Until they followed You
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